IndianSweet - Moong dal ka halowa recipie

Moong Dal ka Halwa is a popular North Indian sweet. This is made during severe winters. The taste of hot moong dal halwa after eating it in winter evenings is completely different. Let's make Moong Daal ka Halwa today.


  • Washed Moong Dal - 1/2 cup (100 grams)
  • Mawa - 1/2 cup (125 grams) 
  • Sugar - 3/4 cup (150 grams)
  •  Ghee - 1/2 cup (100 grams)
  •  Cardamom - 4 (peel and grind) 
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp Cashew - 20 to 25 
  • Almonds - 7 to 8 Pistachios - 10 to 12


  • Wash the lentils and soak it in water for 2 to 3 hours. and take them out of the water.
  • Put this dal in a mixer and grind it coarsely without water.
  • After grinding the lentils, heat the pan and leave 2 to 3 teaspoons of ghee in the bowl and put the rest of the ghee in the pan.
  • When the ghee melts, put the ground lentils in the pan.
  • Stirring continuously, roast the dal on medium heat till it turns light brown and smells good and roast mawa

  • For roasting Mawa, heat the pan on the gas and add ghee and melt it. Break the mawa finely with your hand and put it in the melted ghee. Roast the mawa on low to medium flame until it changes color slightly and smells good. 
  • After roasting the mawa, turn off the gas.
  • Add mawa to the roasted lentils and mix.make sugar syrup
  • Put the pan back on the gas and put sugar in it. Also add 1.5 cups of water and let the sugar syrup cook till the sugar dissolves. 
  • In the meanwhile, cut the dry fruits. Cut each cashew into 6 to 7 pieces and cut almonds and pistachios thinly. 
  • Make powder by crushing cardamom.As soon as the sugar dissolves, stir it with a spoon, the sugar syrup is ready. 
  • Put the sugar syrup in the roasted dal-mawa and mix it. 
  • Cook it on medium flame while stirring continuously till the consistency of halwa comes. 
  • Also, add chopped almonds-cashews and raisins to the halwa and mix.
  • When the consistency of halwa becomes thick, add cardamom powder to it and mix. 
  • Halwa is ready, turn off the gas and take out the halwa in a bowl. Put 1 spoon ghee on the halwa. Not only will it make the halwa look better, but the taste will also increase along with it.
  • Garnish the halwa with chopped pistachios and almonds. 
  • Delicious moong dal halwa is ready. Moong dal halwa can be eaten for a whole week by keeping it in the fridge.


Add ghee equal to moong dal and fry the dal, then it does not stick to the bottom of the utensil. Use a non-stick pan for roasting the pulses, then even in a little less ghee, the pulses are roasted without sticking. You can reduce or increase the amount of sugar in the halwa as per your choice. You can add whatever nuts you want to the halwa. You can put chironji, coconut or whatever you like in it. Sufficient for 3 to 4 members

moong dalhalwa
Halwa recipe

Categories - Sweet Recipes